Catalunya will grow 2.5% in 2015 thanks to exports, consumer spending and investment

The Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona believes that the increase of competitiveness, the euro depreciation, the lower cost of oil will allow to double the the rate of growth of the economy from 2014 level.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Catalonia will grow 2.5% in 2015 almost double the growth of 2014. According to forecasts presented by the Chamber of Commerce on wednesday in Barcelona. The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said during the debate of the National State, that the Spanish economy will advance 2.4% this current year.

The President of the Chamber of Barcelona, ​​Miquel Valls, has ensured that this expansion, the largest since 2007 will be possible thanks to improved competitiveness, more exports, euro depreciation, the fall of interest rates and cheaper Petroleum.

Nevertheless these risks that this forecasts can not be met are increasing due to political instability from the sovereignty debate of Cataluña also or from the weak ecovery of Europe in general.

Exports (+ 4.8%), mark a record high; Investment levels + 3.4%) and private consumption (+ 2.7%) are the main engines of the economy. Even public administration consumption is lightly growing. (+ 0.3%).

The Chamber of Commerce predict that employment will grow 3.1% one point higher than in 2014.

Source: Expansion Cataluña
Photo: Ivan MIinaric/ flickr

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